“In America the law is King.” — Thomas Paine
Quote Source: Common Sense
Quote Source: An Essay for the Use of New Republicans in Their Opposition to Monarchy
Quote Source: A Letter to Mr. Erskine
A metaphysical man, like Mr. Burke, would have tortured his invention to discover how such a people could be governed. He would have supposed that some must be managed by fraud, others by force, and all by some contrivance; that genius must be hired to impose upon ignorance, and shew and parade to fascinate the vulgar.
To Thomas Jefferson, December 16, 1788
Charlottesville rally organizer Jason Kessler lives with his parents.
The 34-year-old white supremacist, well known for his leadership role in the deadly Unite the Right event, was filming a livestream with Patrick Little Tuesday afternoon when his father barged in started to scold him, mid-interview.
More than 300 Catholic priests across Pennsylvania sexually abused children over seven decades, protected by a hierarchy of church leaders who covered it up, according to a sweeping grand jury report released Tuesday… “Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing; they …
This sacrifice of common sense is the certain badge which distinguishes slavery from freedom; for when men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon. Thomas Paine, Reflections on Titles, 1775